Okay. You've reached the point of this site that might actually be one of the most interesting. And I hate taking favorites. There where approximately 100 styles of wielding the sword, aside from reckless slashing. You see in movies like Lord of the Rings were the sword fighting looks amazing, and it is, but it had no style. A style is pretty much fighting fair. But the basic rules still emply: One winner, One dead man. There are very few who can master all the styles. Even I struggle with them. But a challenge would be no fun if it wasn't a challenge would it?


IGNIS Gladius: Fire Sword. A broad Sword style. Sweeping the blade in circles from your feet to the top of your head. A hard move to master, for if you let go of the blade, well yeah.   SIDE EFFECTS: Blade will be hot. Hence, Fire Sword.

Supero Gladius: Conquer sword. This is were you can pretty much have any sword you like. I preffer to have a three foot long short sword. In this move, you slash up and down in out ward sweeps. You need to be strong, for this is an attack move, so you can't falter.

SIDE EFFECTS:Sore arms. And a very dead opponent.

Magnus Gladius:Great Sword. If you've mastered the Supero and Ignis moves then this shouldn't be that hard. This move is best with a Claymore* (*see gallery for pics of it to give you a better idea). Thinner than a Broad Sword, and about as long as a Long sword, the claymore is ideal for this move. Be at least 15 feet away from your adversary, and charge him. About six feet away swing your sword up diagonally up from right or left, and see your opponent's upper half fall to the ground.   SIDE EFFECTS: This is a risky move, it takes all your strength to power the strike, so make sure you don't miss!

Thats all that you need to know to start you off! Yeah it seems that I'm leaving you hanging doesn't it? Well wait until we get the training videos on, then you can actually watch it all happen!