Welcome! I salute you, young warrior!

Welcome to Medieval Warfare! Come my friend, into the wonderous and action packed world of Weapons and Warriors. In this site you will experience famous stories and bios about famous warriors and brave deeds. hERE YOU ALSO WILL SEE MOVIE CLIPS OF SWORDFIGHTS AND TRAINING of, well me and my friends. And also as an added bonus, a free beginners training lesson for those eager to learn the incredible art of the sword. If that is not your hearts desire, then may I make a suggestion? Go to www.tandtarts.weebly.com  to learn about medieval Warrior's closest relative: The Ninja. My best friend Taylor happens to be a professional ninja. So check out the link. But if Medieval Warfare is thy desire, the look no further. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Lets start from the begining.........